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Double Chin Removal With Kybella: Simple, Effective and Fast

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Double Chin Removal Near Me - Ann Arbor Double Chin Removal With Kybella

If you’re like many people, your double chin is bothering you a lot – so much that you’re looking into double chin removal clinics near you. But what is double chin removal, and is it the right procedure for you? This guide explains how Kybella – an FDA-approved injectable – may be able to reduce the appearance of your double chin, as well as what you can expect from a double chin removal procedure and what kind of results you’re likely to see.

Double Chin Removal: How Does it Work?

There are many ways a doctor in Ann Arbor can remove your double chin, but most people opt for non-surgical methods. Surgery carries its own risks, so a wide range of people choose to ask a doctor for Kybella.

Kybella is the first (and the only) FDA-approved injectable designed to improve the appearance of fat beneath the chin. It does this by destroying fat cells, essentially melting them away so that you don’t need liposuction or another type of procedure.

Does Double Chin Removal With Kybella Really Work?

Kybella does work for many people. It’s FDA-approved and doesn’t require surgery (or even anesthesia). It destroys fat cells permanently, and the treatments are fast and effective. The results after being treated with Kybella can make you appear younger and thinner.

Related: What are B complex injections?

How Do I Get Rid of the Fat Under My Chin?

Even people who eat clean and exercise struggle with fat under their chins – it’s just something that happens to many people. In fact, people who have no problem toning up their legs, arms and abs still have a double chin look. Everyone’s body is different, and some people are prone to a little extra fat in that area (just like many people easily gain inches in their hips or stomach areas). If your double chin is stubborn, double chin removal with Kybella may be the right solution for you.

There are other ways to get rid of the fat under your chin. Your doctor can talk to you about all your options and make suggestions to help you decide what’s right for you.

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Are There Surgical Options?

If you’re interested in surgical options, you may want to test the waters with Kybella first. Surgery for double chin removal is invasive and involves sucking the fat from the area. You may also need to deal with drainage tubes and stitches, as well as compression devices for your chin, after receiving surgery to remove your double chin.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Double Chin Removal With Kybella?

Generally, anyone who has a double chin due to excess fat is a good candidate for double chin removal using Kybella. It’s not meant for people whose only problem is excess skin, though, or for people who have very lax skin that won’t bounce back into shape after the fat cells die.

Kybella works by dissolving fat cells in the double chin. If you don’t have excess fat cells in your chin, it won’t work for you. However, your doctor may be able to recommend other treatments that tighten up the skin in that area (such as a Nefertiti lift or another Botox-related treatment).

Related: What is the best non-surgical treatment for jowls?

Does Double Chin Removal Hurt?

When you have a procedure to remove your double chin using Kybella, you’ll go through several injections. Many people take between 15 and 30 injections per session, and two to three sessions are generally necessary to eradicate all the fat. You may feel discomfort at the injection sites, and your chin may swell after the procedure. The swelling is temporary – and it’s a sign that the Kybella is blasting away your fat cells. Your doctor will talk to you about ways to minimize your discomfort, which can even include something as simple as an ice pack.

Ready to Talk About Double Chin Removal in Ann Arbor?

Our Ann Arbor med spa can help you get the look you want, from clear and youthful skin to fat reduction. Call or text us at 734-249-8722 or fill out the form below to get in touch.

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