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4 Easy Acne Scar Treatments You Can Get in Ann Arbor

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4 Easy Acne Scar Treatments in Ann Arbor - CosMedic Laser MD for Acne Scarring
You don’t have to live with acne scars. There are four super-easy treatments you can get right in Ann Arbor that may help diminish your acne scars and smooth out your skin’s appearance.

If you’re like many people, you have acne scars – and you don’t want them. Fortunately, there are four easy acne scar treatments you can get in Ann Arbor, and they can be used alone or together to get you the best possible results. This guide explains.

4 Easy Acne Scar Treatments

Check out these four easy acne scar treatments we can perform to help minimize or erase scarring:

  • Microneedling
  • ICON 1540 laser treatments
  • Platelet-rich plasma treatments
  • Deep chemical peels

Here’s a closer look at each.

Acne Scar Treatment #1: Microneedling

Microneedling is one of the most popular facial treatments for acne scars, and that’s because it works very well. As a minimally invasive acne scar treatment, it activates cell regeneration; that means it tells your cells to “turn on” and start repairing themselves. (As a side benefit, microneedling can also reduce fine lines and wrinkles while it lifts, tightens and rejuvenates skin.) Microneedling is safe for all skin types, and it helps promote circulation – and that helps your skin get smoother and look younger while reducing the appearance of acne scars.

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Acne Scar Treatment #2: ICON 1540 Laser Treatments

The ICON laser for acne scarring is an incredibly popular tool. Aestheticians use it for more than just acne scar treatment; it’s also good for reducing the appearance of stretch marks and hair removal. But when it comes to acne scarring, there’s little or no downtime; even better, this non-invasive treatment is a simple procedure that causes little or no discomfort. In the hands of the right practitioner, this laser-based acne scar treatment can significantly repair the damage done by pimples in the past.

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Acne Scar Treatment #3: Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatments

Platelet-rich plasma treatments (commonly called PRP) harness the natural biological components in your own blood to optimize conditions for healing and to reduce the appearance of acne scars. It’s a simple procedure, too; you give a small vial of blood (less than what a doctor would take for a routine blood test) and then a practitioner places it in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelet count. The platelet-rich plasma is then activated and injected, microneedled, or even applied topically to kick-start your skin’s response to healing.

Related: Can you get rid of wrinkles on your hands?

Acne Scar Treatment #4: Deep Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are often the acne scarring treatment of choice for people who want to also achieve better skin tone, improve texture and diminish fine lines. A chemical peel can remove the outer layers of skin – those most damaged by acne – and prompt the body to make a new layer of skin cells. Chemical peels aren’t right for everyone, but they cause very little discomfort and have virtually no downtime. However, you may notice slight swelling, redness or sensitivity on the treated areas, and you can’t put on makeup or spend time in direct sunlight for a while after a chemical peel.

Can You Combine Acne Scar Treatments?

You and your doctor can discuss the acne scar treatments that will get you the best possible results. In some cases, that means combining various treatments to smooth out the appearance of your skin and minimize the effects of acne scars.

It’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for everyone. What works best for you may not work for someone else (and vice-versa). The best way to find out how to treat your acne scars is to sit down with a doctor who will evaluate your skin type, the depth and size of your acne scars, and your tolerance for each procedure.

Ready to Talk About Acne Scar Treatments in Ann Arbor?

Our Ann Arbor med spa can help you get the look you want, from clear and youthful skin to fat reduction. Call or text us at 734-249-8722 or fill out the form below to get in touch.

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